R for Geospatial Sciences

R for Geospatial Sciences Book

Course Github

R for Geospatial Sciences Lecture Recordings

Welcome to R for Geospatial Sciences

Week 1 - Plot Customization

Week 2 - Basic Statistics

Week 3 - ggplot2

Week 4 - Spatial Data with ggplot2

Week 5 - Shapefiles

Week 6 - Remote Data Extraction

Week 7 - Functions and Code Presentation

Weeks 8 & 9 - Final Project

Machine Learning with R

R for Geospatial Sciences Book

Course Github

Machine Learning with R Lecture Recordings

Week 1 - Introuction to Machine Learning

Week 2 - Time Series Forecasting

Week 3 - Random Forest Modeling

Introduction to Python

Course Github

Python Tutorials & Lecture Recordings

Installation & Setup

Tutorial - Anaconda Installation & Package Management
Video - Anaconda Installation & Package Management

Week 1

Tutorial - Python Introduction & Basics
Video - Python Introduction & Basics

Week 2

Tutorial 1 - Introduction to Numpy
Video 1 - Introduction to Numpy

Tutorial 2 - Introduction to Matplotlib
Video 2 - Introduction to Matplotlib

Week 3

Tutorial - Xarray
Video - Xarray

Week 4

Tutorial - Pandas
Video - Pandas

Week 5

Tutorial - Cartopy
Video - Cartopy

Week 6

Tutorial - MetPy
Video - MetPy

Week 7

Tutorial - SciPy
Video - SciPy

Final Project

Grading Rubric